The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Feb 9
9:15 am- Adult Ed – Greek & Jewish Parallel Stories to the Gospels
10:30 am- Holy Eucharist
11:45 am- ECW Meeting
Link to FaceBook Page: Emmanuel FaceBook Page
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body … Continue Reading
This mystery is profound, but I am speaking about Christ and the church. … Continue Reading
The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Feb 9
9:15 am- Adult Ed – Greek & Jewish Parallel Stories to the Gospels
10:30 am- Holy Eucharist
11:45 am- ECW Meeting
Link to FaceBook Page: Emmanuel FaceBook Page
In recognition that Christian formation is a life-long process, Christian education at Emmanuel comprises those opportunities, resources, and instruction that support “…for all ages…” our mission to be loving, caring, and nurturing Christians.
The ministry of Jesus had three main emphases: preaching the Kingdom of God, teaching, and healing. Jesus commissioned his disciples to continue his ministry of healing. We also affirm and are committed to the ministry of the priest-hood of all believers, and recognize that through our baptism we are all ministers, mutual partners in Christ’s mission to the world.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Jenkins Bridge, is a family-sized parish that traces it roots back to 1686. The church is in a lovely rural area in Accomack County on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, approximately 75 miles north of Virginia Beach.
The Episcopal Church, USA, the official home page of the Episcopal Church. It includes archives, directories, and general information.
Episcopal Church Foundation Vital Practices, an excellent resource for Vestry members. In particular, select the “Vestry Papers” tab to see articles written with ideas for typical Vestry committees. The other tabs also have excellent ideas that can help us at Emmanuel.
Forward Day by Day, a daily Readings from the Episcopal Church
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
26405 Horsey Road, Jenkins Bridge, Virginia
Emmanuel Episcopal Church,
PO Box 186, Oak Hall, VA 23416
Church Phone: (757) 824 5043
Phone: 757-787-7258